Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Hunza Nagar Tour

Drive to Chlias/ Hunza Karimabad: it is 10-12 hours driving over Babusar Pass (4100m) with many stops for photographs Lulu Sar Lake in Naran and many stunning villages with green land, snow, avalanches fallen along the road in early spring season, Nanga Parbat 8125 m the second highest peak in Pakistan and 9th in the world, Rakaposhi 7788 m and Haramosh 7434 m. You will stop on the Junction point of the three great mountain ranges (Karakorum, Hindukush and Himalaya) with view of the meeting point of the mighty Indus River and Gilgit River. Your arrival in Hunza will add joy of your holidays with extraordinary contrast of landscape, snow-capped mountains, historical forts and tourist friendly people. You can stay overnight stay in Karimabad with significant views of Rakaposhi and Diran Peak from your hotel’s room. If you stay at Duikar( Eagal Nest) the view is more interesting and exciting.
   Drive to Gilgit 3-4 hours: This day we will drive to Gilgit visit Gilgit city is both accessible by road and by air; the road, journey along the path of the ancient silk route, is an unforgettable experience through winding valleys and tumbling waterfalls. We will visit Kargah Buddha, a rock carving beside the Kargah Nullah (stream) 6km west of Gilgit along the old road to Punial, is the most popular short outing from Gilgit. The Buddha figure is about 3m tall and looks down protectively over Gilgit. It was carved in the 7th century and its workmanship reveals a talented master The Buddha figure is about 3m tall and looks down protectively over Gilgit. It was carved in the 7th century and its workmanship reveals a talented master, overnight stay.
Visit to Naltar Valley and drive to Hunza: the valley is the most highly revommened day outing from Gilgi Two hours North of Gilgit to the beautiful Naltar Valley on paved road which was old Hunza Road before KKH, passing through cultivated area of Nomal a large village from where a road turns to north west to the lovely valley of lower Naltar and after 10 Km you reach to upper Naltar a lush green alpine pastures and pine forest surrounded by spectacular snowy peaks worth to visit. After lunch drive to Hunza Karimabad visit to the bazaar if possible visit to Altit Fort in the afternoon too in order to save the time for the next day, overnight stay.
Drive to Hopper Nagar and back to Karimabad: 5-6 hours drive to both sides, in the morning we leave from Karimabad around tours drive takes you to the village Hopper. We will go across some beautiful villages of Nagar Valley which quite interesting. In the afternoon will drive back to Karimabad overnight stay.
Drive Gilgit/Chilas: 6-7 hours on the same route went up to Ishkoman passing through Gahkuch the district head quarter of the Ghizer.
Drive/fly to Islamabad: The flight is depends on the weather condition if you are lucky enough to have this flight of 45 minutes over the giant mountain Nanga Parbat. Other wise drive on the Karakorum Highway or Naran Kaghan Valleys opposite to your travel up to Gilgit and Hunza. The Karakorum High way is worth to visit once on your trip. The mighty Indus River flows alongside the Karakorum High Way. You pass through Kohistan, Abbotabad, Mansehra, Taxila: Taxila: Sightseeing of ruins: Jaulian Monastery, Taxila Museum. Taxila is only about 30 kilometers from Rawalpindi, a little off the main highway. Steeped deep in history, the excavations at Taxila take you back 2,500 years into the world of Buddha, Alexander, Asoka and of course the Emperor Kanishka whose imprints are visible to this day. It is here that the world's most interesting civilizations took roots. It is here that you find endless images of Buddha. You find these in stone and in stucco. Important stages of Buddha’s life are depicted in the numerous panels that have been uncovered here. This great man of peace is depicted in exquisitely carved sculptures and statues glorifying him and his life. Each one of these sculptures is a collector's pride & visit truck & bus painting workshop.